Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design~ Variety

Principles of Design~ Unity

Lens Blog NYtimes~Best picture representing Unity

We chose this picture:
Documenting the Blues in the Mississippi Delta #12
We felt that it represented Unity from the Principles of Design the most because the bed has a very
calming and contemporary aura around it. The symmetry and balance in the picture makes it feel whole and complete. There is an overall sense of harmony in this photo. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Principles of Design~Rhythm

Principles of Design~ Proportion

Movie Monday~Gordon Parks Parts 3 & 4

  1. My definition of successful is to be happy and content.
  2. I would give anything to be what I think is successful.
  3. Parks gave up his family and personal life to be successful.
  4. A rich businessman
  5. He was advanced $10,000.
  6. $500,000.
  7. Parks thought that Muhammad was going  to influence him and didn't want to represent something he didn't believe in.
  8. The Learning Tree was the first major motion picture written and directed by an African American.
  9. Shaft was the first African American superhero who inspired other young African Americans to not be deterred by the onslaught of racism in the communities. 
  10. His weapon was a roll of film and a camera.
  11. Genevieve said that Gordon was always involved in a lot of trouble and she got tired of taking care of him. He held her back from her career and was never at home.
  12.  Twelve Years a Slave
  13. He was the son of Gordon Parks.
  14.  My favorite Gordon Parks photo is American Gothic.
  15. I will remember that Parks was the first African American to create a major motion picture as well as the African American superhero Shaft.

Movie Monday~Gordon Parks Parts 1 & 2

  1. The doctor placed his body in a tub filled with ice water.
  2. Gordon was born in Kansas.
  3. She told him that he wasn't college material.
  4. He was fourteen.
  5. He moved to Minnesota to live with his aunt after his mom died.
  6. Yes
  7. He worked for a women's clothing story.
  8. Double exposure is a photography method that creates a ghost image.
  9. Joseph Louis Barrow was an American professional boxer and the World Heavyweight Champion from 1937 to 1949.
  10. Gordon played the piano.
  11. The purpose of the Farm Security Administration was to help combat American rural poverty.
  12. His first assignment was to go to a theater and watch a movie.
  13. She was an African American woman that Gordon took a picture of.
  14. His inspiration for Grant Wood's American Gothic was the American Gothic House.
  15. He learned how to approach people and take pictures of them
  16. The FSA shut down in 1943.
  17. Gordon Parks shot for Vogue magazine after he moved to New York.
  18. The picture editor of Life Magazine was Wilson Hicks.
  19. Park's first major story was about a Harlem gang leader named Red Jackson.
  20. Gordon was influenced by Degas, Picasso, Van Gogh, and Chagall.
  21. Parks took pictures of the model while she was walking at slow speed.
  22. Park's concerto was performed in Venice.
  23. Park's second wife was Elizabeth Campbell. She was a model. Her father worked for Ebony magazine.
  24. Flavio de Silva was 12 years old when Gordon Parks met him.
  25. Parks met Silva in the early 1960s.
  26. Flavio lived in a shack when Parks first met him and his family.
  27. Gloria Vanderbilt's son is Anderson Cooper. Her ancestors include Corneilius Vanderbilt, who made a railroad empire.
  28. Vanderbilt described their relationship as spiritual and full of connection

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Principles of Design~ Movement

           The colors from the chalk can be movement because it leads our eyes to the end of the bricks.
           In this picture, I increased the whites, vibrancy, saturation, clarity and blacks.